Monday, March 26, 2007

Lucky Shoes

Hey there! I'm back home after my trip to Vegas. Things have been crazy busy, as I know they are for all of you. I'm trying to balance homework, classes, exercise, job search, group projects, and a minor social life. I can't imagine how those of you with children manage to keep it all together! My hat is off to you!

I got weighed-in on Thursday last week. I'm up 1.6 pounds. I'm not too upset. I really wasn't making great choices and I'm embarrassed to admit that for the first time since I started journaling, I stopped recording what I ate and drank! I found if I don't do it every day, or every other day, I just don't do it. I'm going to go back in my WW etools and try to fill in the blanks, but I have accepted that I'm going to have two partially incomplete weeks. One thing I must admit, I want to lose those 1.6 pounds by Thursday at my next weigh-in. I think I'm crazy now that I write it. It's pretty impossible since I will only have time to exercise today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Okay, reality check enabled. It will take me 2 weeks to take off the 1.6 pounds, not 1. I think I can handle that.

I'm very excited. I realized today that graduation is in 56 days! That means classes end even sooner! I am really excited, but also a little sad. I will miss seeing my friends and taking water aerobics, and of course it has been a very interesting and challenging 2 years. And then there's the practical concern of finding a job since the money I get from student loans runs out around the end of July! Eeek!

And for those of you who were excited about my new shoes, I found a picture on the internet of one pair. They are cuter in person and look really good with dark jeans. I wore them to the casino twice and was lucky both nights! :)


Lily T said...

Welcome back!

I'll be graduating in May, also. I'm excited, but I have a severe case of senioritis! Let’s hope I don’t blow it now!

Love those shoes!

Tiffany said...

Cute shoes!

52 days for me! No, I don't have a counter on my myspace. heehee. And, yes, it is terribly difficult to go to school and do any work. Or study for my comps which are. . .Friday.

Georgia Girl said...

sexy shoes!

Anonymous said...

Those are really sexy shoes. I know what you mean about the journaling -- if I don't stay on top of it, it just doesn't happen. I have a couple of incomplete days of my own this week to go back and fill in.

angelfish24 said...

Yeah, you can get that 1.6lb off in no time!
Those are cute shoes. I've always been bad at journaling my food.

Jules said...

saw your comment on cranky bee's blog and had to come check you out. Trixie Belden, the picture and the name just brought so many memories flooding back into my head. I think I am going to go source the set for my 8 year old daughter to start reading. Thanks for the reminder.